
All formations are impermanent.

Formation Samokara(sansc.)


There are 51 categories of Mental Formations.
Some positive, wholesome


they exists as

bīja (sansc.) seeds (before becomes mental formation it is a seed, if it is touched, watered)
becames citta samokara (sansc.) a formation.

recognize and help them to manifest
negative, un-wholesome 

Refrain of touching them, watering the seeds

Some can be positive or negative, indefinite:


Be present in the here and now to recognize the mental formations. Be aware of you body, pain, relaxation, mindfulness is the energy that helps us to be aware.

Similar for mental formations: Joy, Sorrow , Irritation
Mindfulness is the power to recognize the formation that is present, physical, psychological, mental.

Store Consciousness/Seeds / Mind Consciousness / Mental Formations

A seed watered becomes a Mental Formation.

Don't let negative mental formation manifest alone, invite mindfulness to accompany / to recognize the other.

This is the practice of Mindfulness of Anger.
Mindfulness is always mindfulness of something.

Never be anger be alone mindfulness should be there.

Seed of depression, for example , if it manifest, we should know how to invite the seed of mindfulness. It will recognize it, there is no fighting, job is to recognize things as they are.
Embrace whatever is there, in a tender way, like a mother embracing her child when the baby suffers.
Energy of tenderness begins to penetrate into the child, after a few moments the child feels better, this happens also with the practice of mindfulness.No fighting between the two kind of energies , recognition and only supporting, helping.

Buddhist meditation is based on the principle of  Non-duality and non-violence.

Because not only mindfulness is you but also anger is (also) you, depression is also you. Take care of you self do not fight yourself.

No attempt to suppress to fight - the practice id non-violent.
non duality leads to non violence.

Mindfulness contains Concentration that leads to Insight.

Tenderly embracing with concentration/ looking deeply into the nature of it/ will lead to understanding / insight deliberated
In Buddhism: Insight if the factor of liberation.

In Buddhism there is salvation by Insight, not by grace.

Insight comes from strong concentration. Cultivation mindfulness leads to concentration and eventually insight.
These energies can be cultivated in any location at any time.

--- ooo ---

Engaged Buddhism

Basic Part: have the practice live every moment, in the realm of the body, in the realm of the mind, in the realm of the environment.
Respond what is happening in the mind, body, environment.
Respond to physiological / mental / physical formations.

Tiếng Việt
徧行五5 tâm sở biến hànhsarvatraga5 Universals5 Universelles
xúcsparśacontactle contact
作意tác ýmānaskāraattentionl’attention
thọvedanāfeelingla sensation
tưởngsaṃjñāperceptionla perception
cetanāvolitionla volition
別境五5 tâm sở biệt cảnhviniyata5 Particulars5 Particulières
勝解thắng giảiadhimokṣadeterminationla détermination
niệmsmṛtimindfulnessla pleine conscience
địnhsamādhiconcentrationla concentration
tuệprajñā (mati)insightla compréhension
善十一11 tâm sở thiện11 Kuśala11 Wholesome11 Bénéfiques
tínśraddhāfaithla foi
tàmhrīinner shamela honte envers soi-même
quýapatrāpya, apatrapāshame before othersla honte vis-à-vis des autres
無貪vô thamalobhaabsence of cravingl’absence d’avidité
無瞋vô sânadveśaabsence of hatredl’absence de colère
無癡vô siamohaabsence of ignorancel’absence d’ignorance
精進cầnvīryadiligence, energyle zèle, l’énergie
輕安khinh anpraśrabdhitranquility, easel’aisance
不放逸bất phóng dậtapramādavigilance, energyla vigilance
行捨hành xảupekṣāequanimityl’équanimité
不害bất hạiahiṃsānon harmingla non violence
Thầy Nhất Hạnh
Wholesome M.F.
added by Thầy
Autres bénéfiques
ajoutées par Thầy
無畏vô úyabhayanon fearl’absence de peur
無憂vô ưuasókaabsence of anxietyl’absence d’anxiété
kiênsthirastability, solidityla stabilité
từmaitriloving kindnessla bonté aimante
bikarunacompassionla compassion
hỷmuditajoyla joie
lạcsukhahappinessle bonheur
清涼thanh lươngnirjvarafeverlessnessl’absence de fièvre
自在tự tạivasikafreedom/sovereigntyla liberté
根本煩惱六6 căn bản
phiền não
6 Kleśa6 Primary
6 Principales
Non Bénéfiques
thamrāgacraving, covetousnessl’avidité
sânpratighahatredla haine
simudhiignorance, confusionl’ignorance,la confusion
nghivicikitsādoubt, suspicionle doute
惡見kiếndṛṣṭiwrong viewla vue fausse
隨煩惱二十20 tùy phiền não
được chia làm 3 phần
20 Upakleśa20 Secondary
20 Secondaires
Non Bénéfiques
小隨煩惱十tiểu tùy: 1010 Minor Secondary
10 Secondaires Mineures
Non Bénéfiques
忿phẫnkrodhaangerla colère
hậnupanāharesentment, enmityle ressentiment
phúmrakṣaconcealmentla dissimulation
nãopradāśamaliciousnessla malveillance
tậtīrṣyājealousyla jalousie
xanmātsaryaselfishness, parsimonyl’égoïsme
cuốngmāyādeceitfulness, fraudla tromperie
siễmśāṭhyaguilela duplicité
hạivihiṃsādesire to harmle désir de nuire
kiêumadapridela fierté
中隨煩惱二trung tùy: 22 Middle Secondary
2 Secondaires Moyennes
Non Bénéfiques
無慚vô tàmāhrīkyalack of inner shamel’absence de honte envers soi-même
無愧vô quýanapatrāpya, anapatrapālack of shame before othersl’absence de honte vis-à-vis des autres
大隨煩惱八đại tùy: 88 Greater Secondary
8 Secondaires Majeures
Non Bénéfiques
掉擧trạo cửauddhatyarestlessnessl’agitation
惛沉hôn trầmstyānadrowsinessla somnolence
不信bất tínāśraddhyālack of faith, unbeliefle manque de foi
懈怠giải đãipramādalazinessla paresse
放逸phóng dậtkausīdyanegligencela négligence
失念thất niệmmuṣitasmṛtitāforgetfulnessl’oubli
散亂tán loạnvikṣepadistractionla distraction
不正知bất chánh triasaṃprajanyalack of discernmentle manque de discernement
一行禪師添加Thầy Nhất Hạnh
Unwholesome M.F.
added by Thầy
Autres non bénéfiques
ajoutées par Thầy
恐懼sợ hãibhayafearla peur
lo lắng (hồi hộp)sokaanxietyl’anxiété
絕望tuyệt vọngvisadadespairle désespoir
不定四4 tâm sở bất địnhaniyata4 IndeterminateIndéterminées
hốikaukṛtyaregret, repentancele regret
miênmiddhasleepinessla torpeur
tầmvitarkainitial thoughtpensée initiale
từvicārasustained thoughtpensée d’investigation


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