Forgetfulness vs Mindfulness

Notes from  :

Forgetfulness                                                             Mindfulness

are opposites

get lost in the past                                                                  be in the present
get lost in the future
possessed by anger, hatred, fear

1st exercise 

breathing In: I know I'm breathing in

breathing Out: I know I'm breathing out

2nd exercise Flower fresh

breathing In: I see myself as a flower

breathing Out: I fell fresh

happiness freshness 

3nd exercise Mountain solid

breathing In: I see myself as a mountain

breathing Out: I fell solid

4nd exercise High altitude lake

breathing In: I see myself as still water  - calm

breathing Out: I fell solid

5nd exercise Space

breathing In: I see myself as space

breathing Out: I fell free

The present moment is made from the past. The present is made of the past. We can fix the past in the present.  Because the past is still there in the present moment.
By changing the present we can change the past.

Gilt is an obstacle.

Future will be made by the present moment. The present is the substance with with the future will be made.

Hope is an obstacle.

To be awake to be aware is what is going on in your body in your feeling in your preceptions in your mental formations and in the work around.
You are aware that the trees are beautiful, that is awareness.
You are aware that many trees are cut down  . That is awareness.
Awareness of the good and the not so good.

Water the seed of your happiness, joy.

The seeds of mindfulness.

Our Consciousness has a

Lower part: Store Consciousness 

Upper part: Mind, Consciousness 

Lower part: Store Consciousness ,  Alaya-Vijñāṇa,  ālayavijñāna  

Contains all seeds of happiness, seed of you, seed of enlightenment, seeds of anger seed of fear, all kind of seeds  of good and bad, 
When one seed is watered that seed can grow more strongly. It will manifest itself in the upper level of conspicuousness.
Including the seed of mindfulness.

Upper part: Mind, mano vijnaya

Refrain from of watering of the seeds of unhappiness, concentrate to water the seeds of joy, happiness, and mindfulness. This seed of mindfulness is buried under many layers of afflictions, is begins to manifest.

Samatha.  Stopping forgetfulness


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