WELEDA toothpastes
A fogkrém növényi kivonatai és az értékes iszapsav-tisztító ereje eltávolítja a lepedéket és hatékonyan véd a fogszuvasodással szemben. Körömvirág kivonata védelmet nyújt a gyulladásokkal szemben. Semmilyen olyan anyagot nem tartalmaz, ami a kisgyerekek szervezete számára terhelő lenne, abban az esetben sem, ha lenyelnék a fogkrémet. Nem tartalmaz fluoridot.
Silica ,
Algin ,
Esculin ,
Ingredients (INCI): Glycerin, Water (Aqua), Silica, Algin, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) Oil, Mentha Viridis (Spearmint) Leaf Oil, Esculin, Limonene*. *from natural essential oils
Dentifricio Salino
Altissima protezione del cavo orale
Ingredients (INCI): Sodium Bicarbonate ,
Water (Aqua) ,
Glycerin ,
Silica ,
Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil ,
Prunus Spinosa Fruit Juice ,
Sodium Chloride ,
Commiphora Myrrha Resin Extract ,
Krameria Triandra Root Extract ,
Aesculus Hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) Bark Extract ,
Arum Maculatum Root Extract**,
Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba (Guar) Gum ,
Alcohol ,
Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil ,
Esculin ,
Lactose ,
Flavor (Aroma) 1 ,
Limonene 1 ,
Linalool 1
1 from natural essential oils, ** in highly diluted form
1 from natural essential oils, ** in highly diluted form
dentifricio di Incolla Weleda Ratanhia 75 ml
Protegge e rinforza le gengive.
Grazie a un carbonato di calcio naturale polvere abrasiva fine, questo dentifricio in pasta fresca pulisce efficacemente rispettando lo smalto dei denti. Nella spazzolatura quotidiana, aiuta a combattere contro responsabili della placca dentale di formazione di carie.
A estratta dalla radice di il Per ratanhia, ricco di tannini con propriet astringenti, aumenta la resistenza delle gengive e mucosa orale. Un estratto dalla resina di mirra, tradizionalmente noto per le sue propriet antisettiche e lenitive, favorisce la riduzione della sensibilit gengivale. Estratti vegetali e oli essenziali naturali garantiscono durata alito fresco.
Suggerimenti per l'uso:
la qualit di spazzolatura essenziale per una buona igiene orale. Ben fatto, essenziale per rimuovere placca e tartaro, responsabile per la formazione di carie e infiammazione gengivale. Essa contribuisce anche a stimolare le gengive, denti vivono substrato.
Per un'efficienza ottimale, spazzolare i denti devono essere effettuati per 2-3 minuti dopo ogni pasto, andando sempre la gengiva al dente. preferibile evitare di spazzole a setole dure, che hanno danneggiato le gengive e collari nude. Un pennello deve essere ben risciacquato dopo l'uso e conservati in modo da asciugare per impedire la crescita di batteri. bene cambiare ogni 3 mesi: non appena il suo ricciolo di capelli, perde la sua efficacia.
carbonato di calcio,
oli essenziali (finocchio e menta piperita),
Estratto di radice ratanhia,
gomma del xantano, resina
Estratto (Estratto di liquirizia) ammonio glicirrizato.
Incolla Weleda Calendula Dentifricio
protegge e rinforza le gengive. Gusto di anice. Con un polvere abrasiva fine carbonato di calcio naturale, questo dentifricio in pasta fresca pulisce efficacemente rispettando lo smalto dei denti. Nella spazzolatura quotidiana, aiuta a combattere contro i responsabili della placca dentale della formazione della carie. Estratto di resina di mirra, tradizionalmente nota per le sue virt antisettiche e lenitive, favorisce la riduzione della sensibilit gengivale. Estratto di calendula, pianta medicinale conosciuta per le sue propriet calmanti e rilassanti, partecipa nella riduzione della sensibilit della mucosa orale. Questi combinati con olio essenziale di finocchio estratti di piante danno un piacevole gusto di anice e garantire durata alito fresco.
la qualit di spazzolatura essenziale per una buona igiene orale. Ben fatto, essenziale per rimuovere placca e tartaro, responsabile per la formazione di carie e infiammazione gengivale. Permette anche di stimolare le gengive, denti vivono substrato. Per un'efficacia ottimale, spazzolare i denti devono essere eseguiti per 2-3 minuti dopo ogni pasto, andando sempre la gengiva al dente. preferibile evitare di spazzole a setole dure. che male le gengive e mettere i collari nudi. Un pennello deve essere ben risciacquato dopo l'uso e conservati in modo da asciugare per impedire la crescita di batteri. bene cambiare ogni 3 mesi: non appena il suo ricciolo di capelli, perde la sua efficacia.
carbonato di calcio,
Estratto di fiori di calendula estratto dalla resina di mirra,
gomma xantana,
olio essenziale di ammonio glicirrizato di finocchio (liquirizia).
DIRT another thootpaste:
Our Ingredients September 22 2013
We're taking 'natural' to the next level. Our blends are made using the highest quality natural ingredients and they are also specially formulated to work with your body in very specific ways. We use essential oils for their healing properties, absolutes for their aromatherapy properties and oils and butters for their nutrients. While you may love a mint lip balm we would never include mint oil in a healing balm because it is a mild skin irritant. Likewise olive oil is high in Oleic acid which while moisturizing, can trigger acne. In a world full of amazing natural ingredients why settle for 'good enough' we strive for best.
Régen is sikálták szódabikarbónával a fogaikat, ami hatásosnak is bizonyult, a legtöbb fogkrém tartalmaz az említett alapanyagból, így ha legközelebb észreveszünk a boltban egy csomagot, vegyük meg. A szemcsék hatékonyan eltávolítják a lepedéket és a baktériumokat is elpusztítják.
Tengeri só (nátrium-klorid)
Falun még vannak olyan emberek, akik a sóra esküsznek, ami a száj-, illetve fogápolást illeti. A só segíti az íny vérkeringését és ha nagyon finomra van őrölve, akkor nem tesz kárt a fogzománcban sem, nem mellesleg fertőtlenít is.
Kapható a gyógyszertárakban. Édes ízű. Ugyan nem lehet vele fogat dörzsölni, de antibakteriális hatású, ezért bátran használjuk.
Hogy krémállagot kapjunk vegyünk kókuszolajt, 2 evőkanál szükséges ehhez, majd adjunk hozzá 3 evőkanál szódabikarbónát. Hogy mentolos ízt érjünk el, ezáltal leheletünket is frissítve, tegyünk a masszába legalább 10–15 csepp borsmentaolajt.
A házi készítésű fogkrémek egyre jobban terjednek a neten, összetevőik között szerepel még a szintén antibakteriális hatású glicerin, a finom szemcséjű tengeri só és kókuszolaj. Az alábbi receptben megtalálható guargumi egyszerű növényi eredetű állagjavító szer (olyasmi, mint a kukoricakeményítő).
Egyszerű fogpaszta
Egyre több helyen terjed Stephanie Tourles könyve, melyben arról ír, hogyan lehet teljesen organikus dolgokkal körülvenni magunkat és, hogyan használjunk minden szükségletünkhöz természetes anyagokat. Az írónőnek szerencsére még a fogmosásra is vannak tippjei. Íme az első:
1 teáskanál szódabikarbóna
1/2 teáskanál finomra őrölt só
1 csepp citrus vagy mentaolaj
1/2 teáskanál finomra őrölt só
1 csepp citrus vagy mentaolaj
Mindössze annyi a dolgunk, hogy ezeket egy kis tálkában összekeverjük és utána felvigyük a fogkefénkre, innentől pedig megy minden, mint egy átlagos fogmosás alkalmával.
Vegán fogkrém
Sok fogkrémgyártó állati eredetű glicerint használ termékeihez, hogy javítsa annak állagát, így, aki minden ízében vegán életmódot akar folytatni, nem tudja ezeket használni. Számukra ez a megoldás:
2 teáskanál növényi eredetű glicerin
4 evőkanál szódabikarbóna
½ evőkanál guargumi (10g - 280 Ft)
8 evőkanál víz
5 csepp citrus vagy mentaolaj
4 evőkanál szódabikarbóna
½ evőkanál guargumi (10g - 280 Ft)
8 evőkanál víz
5 csepp citrus vagy mentaolaj
Az olajon kívül az összes hozzávalót egy edénybe tesszük és krémes állagúra főzzük. Ezt követően kell hozzáadni az olajat, majd le kell hűteni. Befőttesüvegben, a fürdőszobában tárolhatjuk és a megszokott módon használhatjuk.
Kókusz alapú fogkrém
Ebben a receptben teljesen megszabadulhatunk a glicerintől, amit kókuszolajjal lehet helyettesíteni. Hozzávalók:
6 teáskanál szódabikarbóna
¼ teáskanál hidrogénperoxid (1liter - 450Ft)
2 evőkanál kókuszolaj
5 csepp citrus vagy mentaolaj
¼ teáskanál hidrogénperoxid (1liter - 450Ft)
2 evőkanál kókuszolaj
5 csepp citrus vagy mentaolaj
A vegán fogkrémhez hasonlóan, a hozzávalókat összefőzzük kivéve a citrus vagy mentaolajat, ezt csak akkor tesszük bele, mikor krémes állagúra főtt a többi összetevő. Ezt követően belekeverjük az ízesítő olajat, majd lehűtjük. Mikor kész, érdemes egy jól zárható dobozban, vagy edényben tárolni.
- 4 csapott evőkanál kaolin - helyettesíthető hektorittal vagy zeolittal is (A.V. megjegyzése)
- 2 csapott evőkanál szódabikarbóna
- 1 csapott teáskanál finomra őrölt Himalája só
- 1 teáskanál kókuszvaj
- 2-4 csepp szegfűszeg illóolaj (vagy ízlés szerint borsmenta, zsálya, bazsalikom, ánizs, teafa, grapefruit, citrom, édes narancs, fahéj, mirha - vagy ezek keveréke)
- kb. 4-5 evőkanál desztillált víz (amennyit felvesz, hogy közepesen lágy krém legyen)
- Az egészet jó krémesre kikeverjük, betöltjük a tégelybe és használható.
- A végleges állagát másnapra éri el. Mivel én homeopátiás szereket szoktam szedni ezért ízesítem szegfűszeg olajjal.
- Ezt a változatot ajánlom mindazoknak akik hozzám hasonlóan szívesen fogyasztanak lila hagymát esetleg fokhagymát, mivel a szegfűszeg jól közömbösíti a szájban ezeket az ízeket.
Sok sikert kívánok az elkészítéséhez.
I finally made a concession to use stevia powder (the most natural one I could find) though I would like to try xylitol too, as it has some supposed benefits in dental health.
I finally found one recipe that tastes pretty good and that the kids don’t spit out!
Natural Toothpaste Ingredients
- About 1/2 cup coconut oil
- 2-3 Tablespoons of baking soda
- 2 small packets of stevia powder
- 15-20 drops of peppermint or cinnamon essential oil
- 10 drops myrrh extract (optional)
Natural Toothpaste Instructions
- Melt or slightly soften coconut oil.
- Mix in other ingredients and stir well. If using semi-hard coconut oil, use a fork, if not, use a spoon. If you are using completely melted coconut oil, you will need to stir several times while the mixture cools to keep the baking soda incorporated.
- Put mixture into small glass jar (I make different ones for each family member)
- Let cool completely.
- To use: dip toothbrush in and scrape small amount onto bristles. Could also use a small spoon to put on toothbrush.
Does Homemade Toothpaste Work?
We have been using this natural toothpaste for a while now, and it seems to work great. I’ve noticed less plaque when brushing our teeth, and my teeth feel smoother. I will keep you updated after our next dental checkups, but I have several friends who have used similar concoctions for years and never get cavities.
More Toothpaste Recipes
Since I originally wrote this post, I’ve created a few additional toothpaste recipes which are even easier to make! I still love this recipe, but you may also want to check out these:
Pre-Made Natural Toothpaste Options
If you don’t want to make toothpaste yourself, thankfully, there are several pre-made natural toothpaste options that are both effective and safe. Some of my favorites are:
OraWellness Brushing Blend
I use OraWellness Brushing Blend as an ingredient in many of my homemade oral health products, but I also just like using it alone. It is great for traveling, even for flying since it comes in a small bottle and since you only need a few drops, it lasts forever.
We also use OraWellness Bass Toothbrushes regularly at our house.
Earthpaste is another favorite at our house. The kids like the lemon flavor and my husband and I like all three mint options (cinnamon, peppermint and wintergreen).
I haven’t found it locally, so we buy a four pack online every few months.
A vegán jelző nem csak az állati összetevők mellőzésére utal, hanem, hogy ez a fogkrém nincs tesztelve állatokon.
Kb fél csésze kókuszolaj
2-3 evőkanál szódabikarbóna
2 teáskanál természetes édesítőpor
15-20 csepp illóolaj (fahéj, teafa, menta, borsmenta)
10 csepp mirha (opcionális)
A kókuszolajat meg kell melegíteni, vagy puhítani.
Belekeverni a többi összetevőt és alaposan összekeverni. Ha a kókuszolaj félig kemény, használj villát, ha nem, akkor használj kanalat. Ha teljesen olvadt kókuszolajat használsz, akkor addig kell kevergetni, amíg a keverék lehűl, hogy a szódabikarbónát beleolvadjon rendesen.
Tedd a keveréket egy üvegtálkába (a család minden tagja külön kapjon).
Várd meg míg teljesen kihűl.
Mártsd a fogkefét bele a keverékbe, vagy használj egy kis kanalat, amivel ráhelyezed a fogkefére.
forrás: http://wellnessmama.com/1772/natural-toothpaste/
I wondered if a healing tooth powder would work and I couldn’t be happier with the results. It is easier to make than the toothpaste and you can use actual powdered herbs and spices instead of the essential oils which saves money. I’ve recently started using a mix of this and OraWellness Brushing Blend and my teeth have never felt cleaner (and are continuing to whiten!).
Why Tooth Powder?
The main ingredient in this tooth powder is Bentonite Clay, which I’ve recently become a huge fan of. Not only does it bind to and draw out heavy metals and toxins (a huge plus for the mouth!), but it is alkaline and full of minerals.
It can be taken internally to help with toxin removal so it is safe for use in the mouth and it contains calcium, magnesium and silica which are nourishing for the teeth! According to Mountain Rose Herbs:
Bentonite is very unusual in the fact that once it becomes hydrated, the electrical and molecular components of the clay rapidly change and produce an “electrical charge”. Its highest power lies in the ability to absorb toxins, impurities, heavy metals and other internal contaminants. Bentonite clay’s structure assists it in attracting and soaking up poisons on its exterior wall and then slowly drawing them into the interior center of the clay where it is held in a sort of repository.
To state it another way…
Bentonite is a swelling clay. When it becomes mixed with water it rapidly swells open like a highly porous sponge. From here the toxins are drawn into the sponge through electrical attraction and once there, they are bound.
It is also extremely gentle and has a milder taste for kids. I also use Bentonite Clay for facial masks, healing poultices and when drying hair naturally to keep color on.
The other ingredients are supportive of the mouth as well:
- Baking soda is alkaline and contains minerals. It also helps remove stains.
- Calcium powder provides extra calcium to provide minerals and whiten.
- Cloves powder is naturally antibacterial and gives a great taste.
- Cinnamon is also antibacterial, tastes great and helps discourage bacterial growth in the mouth.
- Mint tastes great and is soothing to the gums.
- Xylitol– completely optional and adds sweetness.
Tooth Powder Ingredients
- 4 Tablespoons Bentonite Clay
- 3 Tablespoons Calcium Powder
- 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda (optional)
- 2 Tablespoons Powdered Mint Leaf (optional, or can use essential oil)- Powder in blender, food processor or coffee grinder.
- 1 tablespoon Cinnamon Powder (or this kind)
- 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of Cloves Powder
- 1 Tablespoon (or more to taste) Xylitol Powder
- Essential oils for taste- completely optional but Peppermint, Spearmint and Cinnamon are good.
Tooth Powder Instructions
- Mix the ingredients in a bowl or pint size mason jar and store in a small glass jar with a lid. We actually have a separate small glass jar for each family member since we dip our toothbrushes in it. Mix with a spoon or shake to incorporate ingredients. This recipe makes about ¾ cup of tooth powder which lasts us for months. You can adjust the recipe up or down (Use teaspoons instead of tablespoons for smaller amounts).
- This will last indefinitely on the counter since there are no liquid ingredients and all of the ingredients naturally discourage bacterial growth. You can customize the powder to your taste and all of the herbal ingredients are optional. Bentonite or baking soda would actually work alone or together as a tooth powder, this one just tastes great. You could also add more cloves, mint and cinnamon for an even more concentrated powder. This type of cinnamon has a higher concentration of beneficial oils and tastes sweeter.
How to Use Tooth Powder
Wet the toothbrush (I use a Bass brush from OraWellness since it is super gentle on the gums and cleans better) and dip into the powder. I also add a few drops of OraWellness Brushing Blend. Brush using the Bass Brushing Technique until teeth are clean. Rinse with cool water. Can be used daily (or multiple times daily) and is fine for adults and kids.
My Oral Health Regimen
My teeth have never been whiter or healthier (according to my dentist) thanks to my oral health regimen. It includes a healthy diet that supports oral health and a specific brushing regimen. This is what I do daily (that reversed cavities for both my husband and me):
- Brush with activated charcoal powder to kill bacteria, remove toxins and whiten- Don’t do this everyday now but every couple of days.
- Brush with Tooth Powder or Remineralizing Toothpaste with a few Drops of Brushing Blend.
- Rinse mouth.
- Finish my rubbing a few drops of Brushing Blend< on my gums and tongue to discourage bacterial growth, especially at night (and because it tastes great!).
- Repeat one or more times a day!
What is your oral health routine? Ever used a natural product? Reversed a cavity? I’d love to hear about it below!
Homemade Toothpaste
4 Tbs Coconut Oil
4 Tbs Bentonite Clay
2 – 3 Tbs filtered water
1/2 tsp Real sea salt
10 – 15 drops peppermint essential oil
(You can add a few drops of liquid stevia if you feel so inclined.)
4 Tbs Bentonite Clay
2 – 3 Tbs filtered water
1/2 tsp Real sea salt
10 – 15 drops peppermint essential oil
(You can add a few drops of liquid stevia if you feel so inclined.)
1. Mix coconut oil, clay, and salt in a small bowl. Start with just one tablespoon of water. Working with the back of a spoon, “cream” the ingredients together and add more water until you like the consistency. (If you choose to add in a few drops of liquid stevia, this is the step to do it).
2. Add in the peppermint oil (or cinnamon or spearmint) and then mix until well combined. Store in air tight container.
To use: Place a pea-size amount on your toothbrush and the brush. Not too hard. Not too long. Just enough to make your mouth happy. Rinse. (Although it’s safe to consume in case your kiddies don’t rinse very well.)
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