Bentonite clay

Bentonite is an absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate clay consisting mostly of montmorillonite. It was named by Wilbur C. Knight in 1898 after the Cretaceous Benton Shale near Rock River, Wyoming.[1][2]
The different types of bentonite are each named after the respective dominant element, such as potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), and aluminium (Al). Experts debate a number of nomenclatorial problems with the classification of bentonite clays. Bentonite usually forms from weathering of volcanic ash, most often in the presence of water. However, the term bentonite, as well as a similar clay called tonstein, has been used to describe clay beds of uncertain origin. For industrial purposes, two main classes of bentonite exist: sodium and calcium bentonite. In stratigraphy and tephrochronology, completely devitrified (weathered volcanic glass) ash-fall beds are commonly referred to as K-bentonites when the dominant clay species is illite. In addition to montmorillonite and illite another common clay species that is sometimes dominant is kaolinite. Kaolinite-dominated clays are commonly referred to as tonsteins and are typically associated with coal.

How to Effectively Start Using Bentonite Clay 

Bentonite clay normally comes in a gray or cream color, not a bright white color, which can indicate that it may have gone bad. The clay should also be odorless and not have much of any taste at all.
If you plan on consuming bentonite clay by mouth (ingesting it either by eating or drinking the clay), try this:
  • Drink 1/2 to 1 teaspoon once per day as many days of the week as you’d like. Mix the clay with water, preferably in a jar with a lid where you can shake the clay and make it dissolve. Then drink it right away.
If you plan on only using it externally on your skin, try this:
  • Enjoy the bentonite clay benefits by adding a ¼ of a cup of the clay to your bath and massage your skin with it. Or just allow the clay to dissolve into the water and soak it in for as long as you’d like, then rinse your skin well with clean water.
  • Try gargling the clay in your mouth with some water for 30 seconds to 1 minute, similarly to using mouth wash. Then spit out the clay and rinse your mouth with clean water.
  • Try creating a face mask by smearing the clay directly onto your skin, especially anywhere where you have blemishes, red spots, irritations or scarring. Allow the clay to dry (this usually takes about 20 minutes) and then rinse it off with warm water. It’s recommended to use the clay mask one or twice per week for best results.
  • For scrapes or bug bites, apply a concentrated amount of the clay directly to the trouble area and cover with a Band-Aid or gauze, then let it sit for about 2 hours, then rinse it off. 

Heavy metal toxins” usually refer to substances like mercury, cadmium, lead and benzene. These can be found in the products previously mentioned, and also in foods that contain high fructose corn syrup or certain types of fish. Bentonite clay benefits your body by helping to expel many of these toxins (thus as part of a heavy metal detox) and can increase immunity and reduce inflammation. (1Mud volcano in Wyoming
On top of being able to draw-out toxins from the body, the clay itself has a range of nutrients. Bentonite clay is known to have an abundance of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, silica, sodium, copper, iron and potassium.
When ingested into the body, either in a drink form or by eating the clay, its vitamins and minerals are absorbed similarly to how a supplement would be. Therefore, some people use it as a supplement since the clay is a natural source of important dietary nutrients.

Bentonite Clay Nutrition Data Table

Bentonite clay also benefits the body because it has the ability to produce a charge that is electrical in nature when it comes in contact with liquid — similar to how earthing (touching your bare feet to the earth, in particular wet grass). When the clay touches any type of fluid (normally water), it takes on a different charge and is thought to bind to any present toxins within the fluid.
While in its natural state, bentonite clay has negatively charged molecules, most toxins and heavy metals have positively charged molecules. This allows the two to bind together easily and stay united while the toxin removal process happens.
Bentonite clay essentially “seeks” toxins in the body to bind with because naturally any substance that has a missing ion (which gives it its “charge”) looks for oppositely charged types of substances that will make it complete. Upon binding, the clay is then able to help remove toxins, chemicals, impurities and “heavy metals” from the gut, skin and mouth.   
If you ever use chia seeds in baking and combine them with any milk or water, you have likely experienced their ability to swell and soak up the fluid that is around them, creating a gel-like consistency. Bentonite clay has a similar ability: It absorbs the liquids that is comes into contact with and expands to extract toxins from the liquid.

10 Bentonite Clay Benefits and Uses

 healing skin, hands1. Used on the Skin to Heal Eczema, Dermatitis & Psoriasis
When combined with water and left to dry on the skin as a clay mask, the clay is able to bind to bacteria and toxins living on the surface of the skin and within pores to extract these from the pours. This helps to reduce the outbreak of blemishes, alleviate redness, and also to fight allergic reactions from irritating lotions or face washes, and even helps help poison ivy.
Thanks to the clay’s special ability to act as an antibiotic treatment when applied topically to the skin, the clay can help to calm skin infections and speed up healing time of wounds or eczema, even when prescription antibiotics were not able to help solve the problem. (234)
2. Used in the Bath as a Soaking Liquid to Remove Toxins
The clay can be added to your bath water and used as a soaking liquid, binding to the toxins that are dispelled from your skin. The clay leaves skin feeling smooth, hydrated, and less inflamed, all while you relax in the tub effortlessly!
3. Allows Cells to Receive More Oxygen
Bentonite clay helps to get oxygen into the cells because it has the ability to pull excess hydrogen from the cells, leaving room for oxygen to take its place.
When cells have more oxygen entering them, you feel more energized and your body can repair itself more easily from illness or hard workouts, including improving muscle recovery.
Human Body diagram with Alkaline4. Alkalizes the Body
Much of the foods that are present in the “Standard American Diet” have an acidic reaction in the body, meaning they alter the body’s preferred pH level to make it more acidic than we’d like for it to be.
The less healthy someone’s diet is, normally the more acidic their body is. This is the case because the stomach needs to work extra hard to produce strong acids in order to break down these foods, creating the need for even more alkalizing foods to balance things out.
Proper digestion requires enzymes that are made from alkalizing minerals, so when alkalizing foods do not enter the body, acidity remains high and digestion suffers. Bentonite clay contains alkalizing minerals, which brings the level of the body’s pH to a more optimal balance between acidity and alkalinity, helping to make the blood, saliva and urine more alkaline. 
5. Boosts Probiotics
By removing toxins, digestive-distress causing chemicals and heavy metals from the gut, bentonite clay helps to promote the “good bacteria” or probiotics living in your gut wall and decrease the amount of harmful “bad bacteria.”
A healthy gut wall prevents us from experiencing malabsorption of nutrients from our food, increases our immunity, and also helps to elevate our mood and brain function. Research has also shown that bentonite clay can bind to particular toxins like “aflatoxins” that are common in the standard diet, found in things like peanuts and some grains.
When left unattended, an influx of aflatoxins can contribute to liver damage and potentially even the onset of certain cancers. Because of bentonite clay’s negatively charged electrons, it’s able to withstand acids found in the gut and survive long enough to bind to toxins. (5)
6. Relieves Digestive Problems (Constipation, IBS, Nausea, etc.)Hands on Stomach, gut health
Thanks to its ability to neutralize bacteria in the gut and kill viruses, bentonite clay helps to alleviate many digestive problems. It is often used as relief for nausea and vomiting by pregnant women, is a safe way to remedy constipation, and helps with IBS.
Results from one study carried out in 1998 showed that bentonite clay was extremely successful at absorbing harmful rotavirus and caronavirus toxins within the gut of young mammals. Rotaviruses are one of the leading causes of gastrointestinal distress, such as diarrhea and nausea, in infants and toddlers. (5)
Bentonite clay benefits your pets as well. It is safe for pet consumption within your own home and can alleviate pet’s nausea and vomiting in the same way. You can add bentonite clay to your pet’s water to help reduce symptoms like vomiting. Mix ¼ cup or less of the clay into their water until it dissolves; they should not taste anything or even notice that it’s there, but should feel better pretty quickly.
7. Boosts Immunity by Killing Harmful Bacteria and Viruses
Bentonite clay was also found to be effective at killing harmful bacteria. In a study published by the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, “results indicate that specific mineral products have intrinsic, heat-stable antibacterial properties, which could provide an inexpensive treatment against numerous human bacterial infections.” (6)
More research is still needed on the topic but results of studies so far appear to be promising in terms of how the clay can be used as a treatment for these gut-related illnesses. On top of killing these types of infections and viruses, bentonite clay benefits your immune system by keeping the gut wall strong.
Much of the immune system actually lives inside of the gut, and when the gut wall is compromised, toxins are better able to leach into the bloodstream and cause serious problems. By protecting the gut wall and decreasing the amount of pesticides, toxins, bacteria and chemicals that could potentially enter the blood, the body is better able to protect its health.
8. Improves the Health of Teeth and Gums
The mouth is one of the most susceptible areas of the body when it comes to harmful outside “invaders” taking over, like bacteria and toxins.
Bentonite clay binds to unhealthy substances in the mouth, such as around the teeth and on the tongue and gums, and helps to remove them before you swallow them and become sick. Because of Bentonite’s antibacterial properties, it has been used in natural toothpastes and even mixed with water and used as a daily rinse.
Running Water9. Purifies Water
Bentonite clay has been researched as an effective way to remove some of the fluoride that is often in drinking water.
When combined with magnesium, the clay has been shown to benefit the purity of tap water, which leads to some promising possibilities for using it in the future as a widespread cost-effective water purification method. (7)
10. Useful As a Baby Powder Alternative
Bentonite clay can be applied to any area on the skin of babies that is irritated, red or needs soothing in the same way that traditional powders are used. Plus, it is very gentle and naturally cleansing.
Apply a small amount of the clay directly to the skin and allow it to sit for several minutes before wiping/rinsing it away.

How to Effectively Start Using Bentonite Clay 

Bentonite clay normally comes in a gray or cream color, not a bright white color, which can indicate that it may have gone bad. The clay should also be odorless and not have much of any taste at all.
If you plan on consuming bentonite clay by mouth (ingesting it either by eating or drinking the clay), try this:
  • Drink 1/2 to 1 teaspoon once per day as many days of the week as you’d like. Mix the clay with water, preferably in a jar with a lid where you can shake the clay and make it dissolve. Then drink it right away.
If you plan on only using it externally on your skin, try this:
  • Enjoy the bentonite clay benefits by adding a ¼ of a cup of the clay to your bath and massage your skin with it. Or just allow the clay to dissolve into the water and soak it in for as long as you’d like, then rinse your skin well with clean water.
  • Try gargling the clay in your mouth with some water for 30 seconds to 1 minute, similarly to using mouth wash. Then spit out the clay and rinse your mouth with clean water.
  • Try creating a face mask by smearing the clay directly onto your skin, especially anywhere where you have blemishes, red spots, irritations or scarring. Allow the clay to dry (this usually takes about 20 minutes) and then rinse it off with warm water. It’s recommended to use the clay mask one or twice per week for best results.
  • For scrapes or bug bites, apply a concentrated amount of the clay directly to the trouble area and cover with a Band-Aid or gauze, then let it sit for about 2 hours, then rinse it off. 
If you’re looking for an inexpensive and safe way to help rid toxins from your body, consider trying bentonite clay in one of its many uses. Whether you are looking to clear skin irritations or undergo a more dramatic internal detox, experiment with this traditional and completely natural method of healing that has been practiced for hundreds of years.

Precautionary Steps

Some bentonite clay products contains trace amounts of lead and may not be appropriate for consumption by children and pregnant women.
*The FDA is warning consumers to not purchase “Bentonite Me Baby” by Alikay Naturals because of a potential lead poisoning risk, as this product apparently has unsafe levels of lead. (8)

Bentonit [bevezető szerkesztése]

A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából
bentonit az agyagnak egy fajtája, aminek több változata is létezik, attól függően, milyen domináns elemek találhatók benne. Ezek az elemek lehetnek alumíniumkáliumkalcium és nátrium. A bentonit fontos tulajdonsága, hogy vízzel keveredve akár saját térfogatánál 15-20-szor nagyobb mennyiségű vizet képes megkötni. Leggyakrabban vulkáni hamu vízzel alkotott elegye alkotja.


A nátrium-bentonit a bentonit egyik fajtája, mely térfogatának többszörösének megfelelő mennyiségű vizet képes megkötni. Elsősorban olajkutak fúrásánál ún. fúróiszapként alkalmazzák. Segítségével a kifúrt törmeléket hozzák a felszínre, valamint a fúrófej hűtését és kenését is ennek segítségével oldják meg. Térfogatnövekedése miatt az atomreaktorokban használt, már kiégett radioaktív fűtőanyagok tárolásánál alkalmazzák, a vízszivárgás megakadályozására. Hasonló módon használják szeméttelepek szigetelésére, valamint szennyezett talaj alá terítve is megakadályozza a káros anyagok talajvízbe szivárgását.[1][2]
Egyes esetekben a nátrium-bentonitot két szintetikus réteg közé zárják. Így ugyanúgy ellátja az előbb említett szigetelő szerepét, viszont szállíthatósága nagy mértékben megnő, és sokkal kevesebb nátrium-bentonittel lehet elérni ugyanazt a szigetelő hatást.


A kalcium-bentonit köznapi neve a paszkalit. A kalcium-bentonitot a sokkal előnyösebb tulajdonságú nátrium.bentonittá lehet alakítani. A folyamat során a nedves kalcium-bentonithez 5-10% nátrium-karbonátot adagolnak.

A bentonit felhasználási területei

  • A bentonit leghasznosabb tulajdonsága, hogy nagy mennyiségű vizet képes megkötni. Ezen tulajdonsága miatt elsősorban olajkutak fúrásánál ún. fúróiszapként alkalmazzák. Segítségével a kifúrt törmeléket hozzák a felszínre, valamint a fúrófej hűtését és kenését is ennek segítségével oldják meg. Ehhez a feladathoz alacsony koncentrációjú bentonit-szuszpenziót alkalmaznak. Magas koncentráció esetén (>60 g/liter) a szuszpenzió gél állagú lesz.
  • Bentonitos szuszpenzió az alapanyaga az építőiparban, a résfalak kialakításánál használt réselő-iszapnak is.
  • Cementhez, ragasztószerekhez, kerámiákhoz, kozmetikumokhoz, és különféle háziállatok almához (például macskaalomhoz) adagolják.
  • A finom bentonitpor a transzformátorokban megtalálható nagyon finom olaj tisztítására is alkalmazható.
  • Az ókorban tisztítószerként alkalmazták.
  • Pirotechnikai eszközök, például rakéták fojtására is alkalmazzák.
  • A zsíros bőrön megjelenő aknék (pattanások) kezelésére is használható.
  • Fehérborok esetében az esetlegesen borban maradt fehérjedarabkák eltávolítására alkalmazzák. Amennyiben ez nem történik meg, fennáll a veszélye, hogy a bor opálosodásnak indul, valamint a kicsapódó fehérjék pókhálószerű felépítésű felhőket alkossanak a borban.
  • Gyógyszerek esetén a gyógyszer felületének síkossá tételére használják.[3]
  • Élelmiszerek esetén elsősorban csomósodást gátló anyagként, emulgeálószerként, valamint gyümölcslevek tisztítása során alkalmazzák E558 néven. Főként gyümölcslevekben, és különféle aromákban fordulhat elő, bár kozmetikumokban való használata jóval szélesebb körű. Napi maximum beviteli mennyisége nincs meghatározva. Élelmiszerekben használt mennyiségek esetén nincs ismert mellékhatása.


További információk[szerkesztés]


Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Formula chimicaNa0,5Al2,5Si3,5O10(OH)2·(H2O)
Proprietà cristallografiche
Sistema cristallinoSistema monoclino
Proprietà fisiche
Densità2,15 g/cm³
Durezza (Mohs)1-2
Colorebianco, grigio,
Si invita a seguire lo schema di Modello di voce – Minerale
Bentonite bianca usata come lettiera per gatti
La bentonite è un fillosilicato, (), un minerale argilloso composto per lo più da montmorillonite, calcio o sodio. Si trova in terreni vulcanici come prodotto di decomposizione della cenere vulcanica. I principali depositi sono situati nel Nord America, in particolare nel Montana, vicino Fort Benton, località da cui deriva il nome di tale sostanza. È usato principalmente come legante fondamentale per le terre di fonderia. Le principali caratteristiche sono:
  • diventa plastica ed adesiva se miscelata opportunamente con acqua;
  • diventa dura e rigida quando è sottoposta ad essiccamento, ma rimane plastica se non ha subito un elevato riscaldamento;
  • ad altissima temperatura si ha il processo di calcinazione e l'acqua persa non può essere reintrodotta;
  • ha una temperatura di fusione inferiore a quella della silice, e quindi una limitata refrattarietà.
  • in edilizia la bentonite viene usata come impermeabilizzante per opere entro terra, per il contenimento delle pareti di scavi in sezione ristretta, come contenimento delle pareti dello scavo in opere di palificazione. In particolare ne è stato fatto un uso intensivo nella realizzazione degli scavi delle pareti laterali della linea 1 della Metropolitana di Milano.
  • in enologia viene usata come chiarificante.
  • in ambito cantieristico, è sovente utilizzata come additivo liquido per gli scavi di gallerie e microtunnel sotterranei per il contenimento di gasdotti ed oleodotti.
  • Nell'alimentazione viene utilizzata in associazione allo psillio per asportare residui e placche di muco e feci presenti da anni nell'intestino.
  • Viene utilizzata per le lettiere dei gatti per il suo alto potere assorbente e la rapida eliminazione dei cattivi odori. Inoltre agglomera (fa la "palla") e quindi è facile asportarla. Può essere utilizzata nel "compost" organico.
In campo farmaceutico viene utilizzata come "colloide idrofilo".
  • Dispersa nell'acqua la bentonite ne aumenta la viscosità o dà luogo alla formazione di geli.
  • Viene impiegata come stabilizzante di sospensioni e di emulsioni O/A, oppure come eccipiente per pomate.
  • L'idrogel di bentonite ha carica negativa e quindi le sue proprietà sono notevolmente influenzate dalla presenza di elettroliti.
  • È incompatibile con ioni calcio e polivalenti.
  • Il carattere idrofilo della bentonite può essere trasformato in lipofilo se nel reticolo cristallino si sostituiscono parzialmente gli ioni Al3+ (o Mg2+, Ca2+) con ioni dimetil-dialchilammonio. È possibile allora ottenere il rigonfiamento con liquidi meno polari dell'acqua ed anche con oli.
  • Concentrazioni d'uso: 2-5%
  • La viscosità delle dispersioni aumenta con il tempo.
Sbiancante e Chiarificante. In passato le Ca Bentoniti sono state utilizzate per chiarificare, decolorare o sbiancare oli animali e vegetali. Gli olii vegetali contengono impurità (clorofille, xantofille) che possono produrre prodotti di ossidazione e quindi ridurre il tempo di conservazione. Sull'isola di Ponza è possibile visitare una ex miniera di bentonite.

Usi[modifica | modifica wikitesto]

In medicina veterinaria questo minerale può essere utilizzato nei cavalli che presentano casi di diarrea profusa. Essa favorisce la normalizzazione della funzione intestinale e la stabilizzazione del bilancio idro- elettrolitico, inoltre svolge una spiccata attività adsorbente anche nei confronti di micotossine e sostanze organiche. La Bentonite è in grado di legarsi alle mucine della parete intestinale stabilizzando il normale muco fisiologico che si trova sulla parete dell'intestino e durante i casi di enterite protegge la muscosa dagli agenti infiammatori ed impedisce il passaggio in circolo di tossine, virus, batteri, enzimi necrosanti e antigeni. Quando le scariche diarroiche sono numerose e comportano un importante perdita di acqua e Sali minerali, la somministrazione tempestiva di Bentonite è in grado non solo di ridurre le scariche diarroiche, ma anche di preservare la capacità si assorbimento dell'intestino e di migliorare l'assimilazione di fluidi ed elettroliti stabilizzando anche il loro bilancio all'interno dell'organismo. Normalizza quindi la funzionalità intestinale.


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